Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sacraments can not explain neither religion nor science

There is no doubt that in this world there are great unsolved mysteries millions of years. These are sufficient and ready to face every day in the mysterious vastness and wonder of the earth. We present a list of 10 unsolved mysteries.
eroded areas
In recent decades, South African mines have extracted from their excavations, mysterious metal spheres. Their origin is unknown, while their parameters have a diameter greater than 2:54 centimeter. Some of these stones are carved in three parallel lines wells located along the 'equator' of the sphere. There are two such types of areas: one is composed of metal blue with white reflections, and one of porezuar surface with holes filled with a white substance. The stones that are, according to the skills, belong to the period before 2.8 million years ago. No one knows who created them, and why.
stones drop
In 1938, an archeological expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tei mountains Chinese Accordions-Kara-Ula, made ​​an astonishing discovery in some caves that were the homes of ancient cultures. Buried in the dust of thousands of years, these caves area was invaded by hundreds of stones in the shape of the disc. Their diameter is about 23 inches, and each stone has created a circle in its center, on which is carved a circular line. They look like old records fonografĂ«ve forward from 10.000 to 12.000 years. Near the center of the stones found in the form of hieroglyphic writing. Their decoding talk about spaceships from a distant world that had collided on these mountains. These pilots called themselves Drop Shipping, and wasting their deductions on earth, maybe once found in these caves.
Ica Stones
In the early 1930s, an anthropologist in Ica Peru, Javier Cabrera, has revealed hundreds of ceremonial stones buried in the tombs of the ancient Incas. Dr. Cabrera, has collected more than 1,100 such stones estimated to be 500-1500 years of the previous period. They are called the collective, Ica stones. The stones are painted bears, many of them in sexual positions (which was normal in the ancient culture of the Incas). Some of them provide similar appearance to those of surgery and brain transplants. A fantastic sculpture of some other stones gives a clear picture of dinosaurs and brentozaurve, triceratopëve, stegozaurve and pterozaurve. Although skeptics stay away from this problem, the authenticity of these stones is neither approved nor rejected.

Giant spherical rocks of Costa Rica
In 1930, looking to expand plantations of banana trees in Costa Rica, proved to be very rich in a different direction. We found dozens of huge stone balls, some of which were perfectly spherical. Rocks ranging from the size of a tennis ball, in another extraordinary diameter of 2:44 meters long and weighing 16 tons. Although there are clearly artificial, is the reason and purpose unknown. Above all, I do not know how they managed to build such a precision spherical.
Linda Oera
Linda's book manuscript Oera most controversial in the history, mythology and religious beliefs of the culture Frisiane. It is located in the nineteenth century. Terms included in this book look like disaster, nationalism, matriarkalitetit and mythology. The text shows that Europe and other countries, in most of their history, have been conducted for years by consistently the most popular wives and mothers of the then society. They follow a certain hierarchical order "Priestess Order Single", which was dedicated to the goddess Frya, daughter of the supreme god Wr-Alda and Irtha, human mother (not God). Frisian also stated that civilization has its own alphabet, which was the forerunner of the greek and Phoenician. The manuscript dates to the year 1256 said that it is a copy of the oldest manuscripts, and if this is true, then takes us back to 2194 years BC to 803 AD.
Fossil incredible
For the fossils have heard that before class. They appear in the form of rigid material formed over thousands of years. But there are some fossils which do not constitute any significance in geology and history. Trace fossil of a human hand, for example, was found in the form of an old limestone 110 million years. In Canada, it looks like a fossilized human finger, dating from 100 to 110,000,000 years ago. It seems that the fossil of a human foot, possibly using sandal, was found near Delta, Utah in a clay deposit estimated to be 300 million by the ancient 600 million years ago. This reopens the debate when the man began to populate the Earth.
Metal objects processed
People do not assume that they lived on earth about 65 million years ago, so it's not that they have developed metal. As science explains the discovery of semi-ovoid metallic tubes found in France? In 1885, in a block of coal was found metallic cubes generated by intelligent human hand. In 1912, construction workers, destroyed by another block of metal that has brought an iron pot. A human finger claw is also glued to a rock, which belongs to the Mesolithic period. And, besides, there are many other anomalies found in this area, all the more than 65 million years.
Ark of the Covenant
Cash is considered one of the greatest treasures hidden, which attempts to demonstrate the undeniable facts of the Old Testament. Their discovery is the goal of many modern archaeologists and adventurers. It is assumed that contains a lot of information given in the table of stone belonging to Moses on Mount Sinai-t. According to the book of Exodus, the Ark is made of special wood, and is bathed in gold. It is believed that this object had supernatural powers, which would have caused the death of a person who tried to touch him, or "curse" that would give the Philistines after they had left. There is much speculation on the place where the treasure is buried. It may take a genius to find, but a fool to get closer!
Hair of the Archangel
Angels hair is a phenomenon that has never exact meaning. The phenomenon is made from silk yarn falling from the sky, "As the rain" on the ground. It is a widespread phenomenon on earth, especially in areas such as North America, New Zealand, Australia and western Europe. There are tests to find the cause of this phenomenon, which can be seen with the eye, but if extended to take hold, they disappear in a blink of an eye. In this way he does not know either what actually comprises "this kind of rain." Speculations say that it comes from spiders or other insects great knitter such networks. There is the possibility of UFO, however, is a natural material is very soft, impossible to collect for experiments, and to obtain chemical results.
Piri Reis Map
Map of Piri Reis map is a famous pre-modern world very, created in the sixteenth century by the cartographer Piri Reis, the Ottoman admiral (Turk). Map showing part of the west coast of North Africa and Europe, with a reasonable accuracy. Even the coast of Brazil are fairly simple to distinguish. There are several islands reflects the Atlantic Ocean to the Azores and Canary Islands, without neglecting the mythical island, Antilla-n. It is thought that this map is created by people who were aware of the existence of Antarctica. Some researchers believe that this is part of the other maps support a theory of global exploration by an unknown civilization of pre-classical period.

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